Our Philosophy

Tailored to You

Financial success means something different to every person, every business, and every family. Without a true understanding of the challenges at play, and alignment on end goals, a true high-yielding financial strategy is hard to come by.

We pride ourselves on our philosophy of getting to know each and every client, to create a true, trust-based relationship, that enables us to achieve not only the desired outcomes, but provide an amazing experience along the way.

Danny Prestage

Owner, Atlas Financial

Financial and Wealth Management can be a daunting thing for an individual to undertake on their own - much less get started! Given it's ciritcal importance however to the success of individuals meeting their long term goals, we are proud to ease the burden and stress for those we work with. At Atlas, we are proud to serve our community with the financial management and service that our clients deserve.

What You Can Expect

In Our Experience

In our years of service, we find that the most successful client-advisor relationships are the ones built on trust and transparency. We vow to uphold ourselves not only to the fiduciary standards outlined in our profession, but to a human standard of integrity and honesty to provide a first-rate experience and the best financial outcomes possible.

While we can’t control things like political climate or economic forecasts that may affect markets, we can control the plans we create to account for such scenarios, the reactions we take in such an event, the communication you receive, and the creativity and diligence around getting things back on track.

Our Services

Be it planning for retirement, saving for college tuition, or ensuring your family is set up for success for whatever the future may hold, our team is proud to help you navigate it all.

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Chat with an Advisor Today

Our experienced team of financial professionals are just like you – hard working, family-oriented individuals. We are well-versed in the challenges that come with planning for short and long term financial success and we’d love the opportunity to speak with you about how we can help you achieve your financial goals!

Let's Get Started